Reunions with old friends at Morris Hill Cemetery by Kevin WIkse.
After meeting a friend for what became gas station coffee in a chilly park on a frosty bench (I am happy to report Jackson's has leveled up their coffee game, and the cold, iced-over park provided a wonderful ambiance and atmosphere for this long overdue reunion) this morning, I made a side trip on my way home. I re-visited the Morris Hill Cemetery on Latah, which has quietly carried significant meaning for me—a sort of "origins story" for a cornerstone in my life. Circa 2002 (maybe 2003), I recruited a few local ghost hunters and paranormal research enthusiasts on Yahoo Messenger in Boise and scheduled a meet-up. I called and asked to speak with a manager at Morris Hill Cemetery. I explained that three others and I would like permission to enter the grounds around midnight that coming Friday night to take some pictures from a media project I was working on at Boise State University (which was true). We wouldn't be there for more than 30 minutes and would be discree...